Sandy Bell Founder & Director.
Sandy and her husband, Jimmy Bell are residents of Wilmington, North Carolina. Together they share a vision for total healing and restoration, for those hurting and broken in our community. |
Sandy, a Licensed Minister through the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening. She is a graduate student with CHRISTIAN HEALING CERTIFICATION PROGRAM, A Global Awaking School, with Randy Clark and accredited through United Theological Seminary of Dayton, Ohio. She is a certified as a Specialist Practitioner in all three areas, Physical Healing, Inner Healing and Soul Care and Deliverance, she is also certified as a Master Equipper in these healing ministries. Sandy is also a member of the International Society of Deliverance Ministers.Sandy is a graduated from Wilmington School of the Spirit. Sandy served as a Celebrate Recovery Ministry leader for nearly 6 years (2008-2014).
Sandy and her husband are partnered with the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening, and have a heart for Kingdom Community! Sandy has vision for Wilmington, and will serve southeastern North Carolina in several faucets, most importantly as a Community Healing Center.
Sandy and her husband are partnered with the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening, and have a heart for Kingdom Community! Sandy has vision for Wilmington, and will serve southeastern North Carolina in several faucets, most importantly as a Community Healing Center.
Mark Potter
Jimmy Bell
Mark Potter has lived in addiction for 30 plus years.
House/team leader for Betel UK/ international for 9 years. House leader for Casa Refugio in Bethlehem Pennsylvania. Currently Men’s coordinator for CRH-Christian Recovery Houses in Wilmington NC and Chairman and board member for Wilmington Healing Center. |
Jimmy Bell is a third generation Wilmingtonian, he loves this community and loves it's residents! Jimmy currently is employed with New Hanover County Schools. He shares in the vision of healing with his wife Sandy and has been her greatest support during her training and activating the Wilmington Healing Center.
Mr. Bell has served as a Deacon at Myrtle Grove Evangelical Presbyterian church. He has also served in several Celebrate Recovery groups and facilitated positions as outreach coordinator, assimilation coach and currently the Wilmington Healing Centers Celebrate Recovery ministry leader. His heart is to see our city and it's residents whom struggle with addiction become completely free from the bondage of substance abuse! Jimmy has never met a stranger, everyone always feels welcomed and loved when he at this Celebrate Recovery! |
Jamie Burns
Penny Beachy